Wednesday, January 19, 2011

$100 for 100 {a contest!}

One of my goals for 2011 is to increase the number of people following my blog.

My first goal is to hit 100 followers, and in order to do that I'm starting a

$100 for 100 Contest!!!

That's a lot of pretty jewelry...

Here's how it will work:
Become a follower of my blog,
and tell your friends to come join us too -
When we get to 100,
everyone who is a follower will be entered in a

Drawing for a $100 Gift Certificate!

So what are you waiting for? Become a follower now!
Click on the Follow link down there on the left side of the page.


  1. Now following...and will spread the word!

    You should put this giveaway on this site.
    I always enter giveaways there...
