Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Fall Flowers: Mums

I love that time of year when mums of various sizes and colors start to appear outside the grocery store and the home improvement stores, when beautiful orange and red and purple mums pop up among pumpkins and hay bales on the porches that I drive by every day. It's one of my favorite signs that Fall is here.

And of course, every year I buy a few of my favorite colors - the oranges and deep reds - for my own front porch, to sit beside the pumpkins that are waiting to be carved.

Here are a few interesting facts about mums that you may not have known:
The name Chrysanthemum is derived from the Greek words Chrysos, meaning gold or golden, and anthemon, which means flower.
 Chrysanthemums were first cultivated in China as early as the 15th Century B.C.
Chrysanthemum tea, made from the flowers of certain species of Chrysanthemum, is a popular drink in parts of Asia, believed to be beneficial in treating eye problems and maintaining eye health, and in alleviating cold symptoms, among other things. 
 Mums are one of the most popular potted flowers in the U.S.
 They are also one of the longest lasting cut flowers.
Do you have a favorite color of mums that you like to use for your Fall decorating?

1 comment:

  1. Those flowers are beautiful Tracey. I have started seeing all the fall decorations popping up around town, but I won't decorate outside until the end of October because really it's just too hot here. I usually put yellow mums on my porches, but may change that this year.
